By: On: September 25, 2020 In: Blog Comments: 0

Xactimate by Xactware offers tools to help with the estimation process. Initially launched in 1986, Xactimate estimating software provides an array of tools and features to provide users with a powerful plan-sketching program. 

Today, both Canadian and U.S. companies are using the tools for insurance claim estimates. One of the most appealing features of this innovative technology is that it covers everything with accurate and innovative solutions that exceed expectations. 

However, if you are not sure if you should invest in this technology, learning more about Xactimate and the benefits it offers can be helpful. Keep reading to learn what these benefits are and how these tools can benefit your business. 

1. Web-Based Application 

The technology used by Xactimate estimating software is web-based. It is a residential claim estimating tool that is designed for insurance adjusters, and that can be used from several platforms. 

It lets you receive and send assignments for estimates and valuations to contractors, adjusters, staff, and more. You can use the 3D view feature to zoom in easily and out of the structure, rotate, and change the colors used. Additionally, the software can be integrated with other programs created by Xactware to help enhance claim efficiency and performance. 

2. Integrated Mobile and Online Platforms 

According to the vendor, there are claims estimating apps for both Apple and Android devices. The mobile and online platforms are designed to ensure a smooth and seamless data transfer process. With these tools, you can collect all the necessary estimating information onside using the mobile tool and then complete the more complicated steps of the estimating process online when you return to the office. 

Also, the mobile and online systems are updated automatically, and when you utilize the subscription, you have access to the eService Center offered by the vendor. 

3. Save Resources 

Thanks to all the features and benefits offered by Xactimate estimating software, you can save resources when creating your estimates. This is going to help you save money and improve your bottom line. 

4. Improved Project Management 

Managing claims projects is complicated. There are many parts and people involved in it. You need to utilize a tool that provides easy collaboration and sharing, which is precisely what Xactimate estimating software offers. With the automation that is integrated into the platform, you can feel confident that the desired results for the project are achieved. 

Work with the Pros for Better Results 

It does not matter what your role is in the adjustment process; using Xactimate software is a must. It provides you all the benefits found here, and more. In the long run, these tools will offer you what you are looking for and will help ensure your project runs smoothly. By working with professional Xactimate estimators, you can have someone handle the somewhat complicated process involved and feel confident that all the information and data gathered is accurate and up to date. Being informed and knowing what to expect is best and will help ensure you get the most benefits from this tool.

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